Dentist checks patients teeth

A surprising number of Americans ignore this crucial health check

Your dental checkup is not only good for your health, it’s also good for your wallet. Preventive services, like checkups, are 100 percent covered by most dental plans. Yet, many people leave money on the table by not going to their dentist as often...

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What is full coverage dental insurance?

Full coverage dental insurance plans are those that help cover the costs of a wide range of dental treatments and procedures including preventive...

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Woman gets mouth checked by dentist

Check for these oral cancer symptoms. It could be a lifesaver.

More than 10,000 people lose their lives to oral cancer every year. But the five-year survival rate is approximately 60 percent.1 By working with...

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Four dental benefit promotional ideas most employers don’t know

You offer dental benefits to help your employees enjoy good oral and overall health. But they are also a valuable differentiator in recruiting and...

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