Assessing Your Oral Health
Delta Dental of Tennessee is pleased to offer access to LifeSmile™Score - an online risk assessment tool that will give you an easy to understand oral health score report.
How it works
Take just a few minutes to answer some simple questions online and you will receive an oral health score report that estimates your risk of tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer. Please note that none of your personal health information (PHI) is ever revealed, and the survey can be taken anonymously.
After completing your assessment, print out your report to bring to your next dental appointment. Share your results with your dentist and, if needed, he or she can help you create a treatment plan focused on improving your oral health and upping your score.
Why it's important
Oral health problems like periodontal disease and tooth decay are more common than you may think - and left untreated they can lead to more serious problems, such as tooth loss.
If you know your specific risk factors for tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer, you can take simple preventive action to avoid these problems. Get a handle on your oral health by taking advantage of this practical health management tool.
Discover your oral health score today. It's a smart way to get wise about your oral health.
Get started by visiting the MyDentalScore website!