Kids Dental Day
a free dental clinic at First Horizon Park
In partnership with the Nashville Sounds, Delta Dental of Tennessee presents Kids Dental Day in the summer to give kids access to free dental screenings and cleanings. Special sports celebrities help make the day special for all of the participants.
During Kids Dental Day, kids are able to get a free screening from dentists and dental students from Meharry Medical College and Neighborhood Health. They can also schedule a follow-up appointment after their screening through Neighborhood Health.
It's important for kids to keep their healthy smiles with regular visits to the dentist! Children with tooth decay are more likely to develop immediate and long-term oral health issues. Kids Dental Day is a great opportunity for children to learn the importance of routine dental care, receive free screenings, and meet sports celebrities.
Our next Kids Dental Day is in...
Looking to participate in 2025?
Get on the list to be notified about the clinic in 2025!
At Kids Dental Day participants receive...
A free dental screening
A free dental cleaning if needed
A chance to interact with sports celebrities
An opportunity to enjoy fun activities & more inside the Nashville Sounds Stadium
At our Kids Dental Day in 2024...
kids received free screenings
of kids screened needed & received cleanings
volunteers helped provide dental screenings and cleanings
2023 Kids Dental Day
On June 27th, 2023, Delta Dental of Tennessee and the Nashville Sounds teamed up with Neighborhood Health, Meharry College of Dentistry and Jet Dental for the second annual free Kids Dental Clinic at First Horizon Park. Watch our highlight video to learn more about how the day went!