Brushing Is Fun

The earlier children learn about taking care of their teeth, the better!

Delta Dental of Tennessee has partnered with the Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC) Education Department to create this educational video to help teachers and parents teach their kids that brushing is fun! This video has great ideas on how to make brushing engaging and important.


Teeth Brushing 101

Baby is looking forward to the day when he has teeth and Gramps wishes he still had teeth. Watch them and Alecia as they teach you how to protect the teeth of you and your little ones by brushing properly for 2 minutes, twice a day


Cepillar los dientes 101

El bebé espera el día en que tenga dientes y Gramps desea que todavía los tenga. Míralos a ellos ya Alecia mientras te enseñan cómo protegerte los dientes a ti y a tus pequeños cepillando adecuadamente durante 2 minutos, dos veces al día.


Oral Health 101

Watch Baby and Gramps as they talk about the importance of oral health and caring for your pearly whites.


La Salud Oral 101

Mire a Baby y Gramps mientras hablan sobre la importancia de la salud oral y el cuidado de sus dientes blancos.